Dogs Played a Vital Role in Saving 100+ Lives in Turkey

Turkey is going through a very tough situations. The twin earthquake of 7.7 & 7.6 scale destroyed many infrastructure and building and houses and many people lost their life in this disaster. All rescue teams are working very hard to rescue people. Dogs are playing very important role in this recue operation.

The affected area is very large and rescue team can’t go to every area, in this conditions Dogs are helping the rescue team to spot the humans who are stuck under debris. Dogs have great power of sniff. They can sniff alive and dead human under any Debris. They are specially trained for such condition.

The Dogs from and from different countries helping Rescue team to find people and they have helped many peoples in Turkey.

Many countries have sent their Rescue team to Turkey for Rescue work. All rescue teams are trying their best to help.

These rescue dog are called K9 (all dog breeds are called K9). They have special sniffing power and they are trained to find People under rubble. German Shepherd and Belgian malinois are knows as best rescue Dog. Technologies can’t rival Dog nose. If any human is trapped under any ruble and he is breathing and doing nothing that is enough for the K9 to spot the human but they have a rang to spot people.

# killion, 6 Year Old Swedish German Shepherd have saved 17 lives by locating people under rubble – according to the Swedish media.

#Romio and Julie, members of the dog squad for the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), were crucial in finding 6-year-old Girl under tones of debris – Indian Media

The all reports are unavailable but rescue teams and Dogs are working very hard and saved hundreds of life. Rescue teams are like savior and they are working very hard to save more people.

In this Rescue operation a German Shephard named Proteo – was one of more than a dozen deployed by Mexico to assist in the disaster response efforts. Died working with rescue team because of multiple injuries. Mexico has paid tribute to a “heroic” rescue dog who died while searching for survivors buried beneath the rubble of the earthquakes in Turkey.

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