FedEx Delivery Delivered A Lost Dog Back Now Family Is Reunited


Lisa Menzies of Castle Pines, Colorado, the owner of the dog. When she was out of town, Her three-year old golden retriever Decided to go out of home. Some Repairing work was being done at their home. According to Heard. One of the worker went for the lunch and closed the door but wind opened the door and the dog got chance to escape from the home and dog escaped the house.

The 3 Year Old Golden retriever’s name is catcher.

On the door am a FedEx driver can be seen who delivered the Lost dog. The family reunited with the lost member. The owner was so happy after finding her loved member.

We have seen FedEx delivering products but after reuniting lost member to the family the FedEx driver won hearts on the social media. He is the hero of this generation.

Vishwajeet Rathia
I have completed my Master's degree in Zoology and I like exploring new information about animals. Apart from human there are a lot of living beings so I try to introduce something informative about living beings (animals).


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